You Know Not of in the Bible

Life is unpredictable. Fifty-fifty with the best plans and intentions, no one tin can predict for certain what will come up their manner in life.

In December 2019, no one planned New year'due south resolutions with COVID-19 in mind. Most of us had never heard of it. Life threw a big curveball.

When unexpected times come, anybody needs to be reminded that God is proficient, in command and trustworthy even if everything seems out of command. Beneath is a listing of 21 reminders of that truth.

  1. God Knows What Volition Happen Adjacent
  2. Jesus Never Changes
  3. Practise not Fearfulness Bad News
  4. God Is a Source of Backbone
  5. Let God Brand Your Way
  6. God Is With Yous
  7. God Keeps His Discussion
  8. Jesus Is the Good Shepherd
  9. God Is Working for Your Good
  10. God Cares for His Creation
  11. God Is a Rubber Identify
  12. Jesus Assures Troubled Hearts
  13. When You Ask, He Hears You
  14. Trust in God, Not in Things
  15. Keep Your Focus on God
  16. When You lot Are Afraid, Turn to God
  17. Yous Can Trust God for Forgiveness
  18. Trust God, Non People
  19. Trust What Jesus Did for You
  20. Trust in God Brings Approving
  21. Wait to the Promise of Heaven

1. God Knows What Volition Happen Next

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Trust in the LORD with all your center and lean not on your own agreement; in all your ways submit to Him, and He will make your paths directly. (Proverbs 3:five-half dozen, New International Version)

This is one of the most comforting verses to cling to when you are facing dubiousness or difficulty in your life. Your situation or the situation around you lot may exist across your understanding, but it is not beyond God'southward.

God knows what is going on — all the hows, whens, and whys. When you do not know what to do or what will happen next, trust that He does. Follow God'due south guidelines and commands knowing that every bit y'all practice obedience, He is working out the rest. "The LORD is my strength and my shield; my heart trusts in Him, and He helps me. My center leaps for joy, and with my song I praise Him" (Psalm 28:7, NIV)

God sees everything that happens to you. He knows all He has protected you from. He is your source of protection. You do not demand to give in to fear. Information technology is not piece of cake, but you can be free to be joyful and praise Him with gratefulness for this truth, fifty-fifty when things are difficult.

2. Jesus Never Changes

Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever. (Hebrews thirteen:eight, English language Standard Version)

Jesus never changes. Neither does His ability or His promises. He was with God in the beginning of time. He is the aforementioned Christ today who transformed lives and performed miracles in the Bible. You can trust Him because the promises He made to His people throughout the Bible are the same promises He makes to you today.

3. Do not Fear Bad News

He is non agape of bad news; his heart is firm, trusting in the LORD. (Psalm 112:7, ESV)

The writer of this psalm says that the conviction of people who follow God is based on the grapheme of God, not the circumstances He allows them to experience.

When you fear the unknowns in your life, you lot can look to the One who is all-powerful and knows all things. God is never worried. He can give y'all strength and steadiness to face whatsoever is ahead when your faith is in Him.

iv. God Is a Source of Courage

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Have I non allowable y'all? Be strong and mettlesome. Do not be frightened, and do not be dismayed, for the LORD your God is with you wherever you go. (Joshua 1:ix, ESV)

This verse appears at a crucial moment in the history of God'due south people. Having spent 40 years living in the wilderness, they are about to enter the land God Has promised to them, but they expect to face a fierce fight for that land.

God is e'er with you no affair what you face up. He does non command you to be courageous in your ain strength. Take backbone in the cognition of His presence and power with you lot.

5. Permit God Make Your Way

Commit your way to the LORD; trust in Him, and He volition act. (Psalm 37:5, ESV)

You may not understand the difficult or uncertain situation you lot detect yourself in, but God does. His track record in your life and in the Bible is one of faithfulness. If you give your life to Him, you can residue assured that He will keep up His terminate of the bargain. God cannot prevarication, so when He says that He will human action on your behalf, you lot tin believe Him.

6. God Is With Yous

"So do non fear, for I am with y'all; do non be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen yous and assistance you; I will uphold you with My righteous right hand" (Isaiah 41:10, NIV)

God is with y'all and able to give you strength no affair what you go through. He does not promise that you will not face difficulties or fear. He does promise that He is there and able to get you through it.

vii. God Keeps His Word

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For the discussion of the LORD is correct and truthful; He is faithful in all He does. (Psalm 33:4, NIV)

The Bible recounts the times throughout history when God has shown Himself to be loving and trustworthy. Even in your suffering, He never fails. You tin can put your trust in His promises considering He has succeeded and kept His word in all that He has always set out to do.

eight. Jesus Is the Good Shepherd

"I am the expert shepherd. I know My own and My own know Me." (John x:14, ESV)

A shepherd guides and looks after the sheep in his care. Jesus, the Son of God, is the Good Shepherd, and His followers are His sheep. At that place is only one God of the Universe who made you, knows what you need and calls you His own.

Jesus is a adept shepherd. He'due south 100 percentage trustworthy. He always knows what'south all-time for y'all, fifty-fifty if it's non piece of cake. To follow Him, you need to know Him and mind for Him. As y'all get to know Him through prayer, reading the Bible and being in customs with other followers of Jesus, you lot volition be able to distinguish His good voice from other voices.

9. God Is Working for Your Skilful

We know that in all things God works for the skilful of those who love Him, who take been called according to His purpose. (Romans 8:28, NIV)

God cares nigh and has a plan for your life. His will is for you lot to know Him through a relationship with Jesus and to honey Him and others equally you abound to be more like Jesus. He promises that no matter what wonderful or terrible things come your way, He will work all of them out to make y'all more than similar Christ and establish your place in His kingdom. He can restore anything broken. He is always at work on behalf of those who love Him.

x. God Cares for His Creation

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"Look at the birds of the air; they do not sow or reap or store away in barns, and still your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you lot not much more valuable than they? Tin whatever one of you by worrying add a single hour to your life?" (Matthew 6:26-27, NIV)

God cares for His creation. He cares for animals and plants (see five. 30), but this verse tells us that He is especially concerned with providing the states with what we demand. Worrying about your needs is not the reply to meeting them. Trusting in a God who cares near the details of your life is the better strategy.

11. God Is a Safe Place

Trust in Him at all times, you people; pour out your hearts to Him, for God is our refuge. (Psalm 62:8, NIV)

A refuge is a safe place to run to — a identify of safety among chaos. God says you can trust Him and put everything in His easily because He is powerful, reliable and constant. You can run to Him for security and protection instead of running to things or to other people. He volition never fail you lot.

If you know God personally, no worldly impairment you may suffer tin can continue you from coming safely into His arms in His kingdom.

12. Jesus Assures Troubled Hearts

"Do non let your hearts exist troubled. You believe in God; believe too in Me." (John 14:1, NIV)

Jesus said this to his followers but after He finished telling them something unexpected. They were taken off guard and worried. But Jesus reminded them of who He is. He reminded and encouraged them that their hearts did not accept to exist anxious or troubled considering they could believe in Him and His promises, but like they believed in God's.

Cipher He said always let them down. He is God in the flesh. All that He does comes direct from God. He has proven Himself trustworthy by the testimony of His life and the testimony of His Father.

thirteen. When You Ask, He Hears You

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This is the conviction we have in budgeted God: that if we inquire annihilation according to His will, He hears us. (1 John v:14, NIV)

Trust in God will increase your confidence in budgeted Him. He has always been true-blue. This verse follows the reassurance that if you believe what God says is true and y'all put your trust in Jesus, you have eternal life. That promise is where your conviction and trust come from.

God's will for y'all is to know Him through a relationship with Jesus and to love Him and others as you abound to exist more similar Jesus. If you lot are confident that you lot are His because of a relationship with God through Christ, you can trust that He hears your prayers and provides for you in ways that fulfill His will.

xiv. Trust in God, Not in Things

Some trust in chariots and some in horses, merely we trust in the proper noun of the LORD our God. (Psalm 20:7, NIV)

In this passage, the author remembers all the Lord has washed for His people. He was present in the joyful times and when the enemy was most. He kept them from damage and delivered them from captivity. The Lord is trustworthy considering He is always present.

There is no need to trust in anything but God — not in any of the other things that can give the illusion of security, like powerful people, jobs, health, and so on. You can trust in God. He is unchanging and unfailing.

fifteen. Keep Your Focus on God

You will keep in perfect peace those whose minds are steadfast, considering they trust in You lot. Trust in the LORD forever, for the LORD, the LORD Himself, is the Rock eternal." (Isaiah 26:3-four, NIV)

To exist "steadfast" is to be firm and unwavering. If you keep your listen steadfastly on the Lord, y'all tin accept peace in knowing He is in command. He is a steady rock. He does not change or falter. You can have peace in knowing you are cared for by a trustworthy God.

16. When Y'all Are Afraid, Plow to God

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When I am agape, I put my trust in You. (Psalm 56:iii, NIV)

Every bit David, the king of Israel who wrote many of the Psalms, faced the threat of captivity by his enemies, he wrote that all his trust was in God. He was surrounded by people who wanted to damage him. Instead of giving in to fear, he cried out to the Lord, trusting Him to exist in control of the situation.

You lot may non be surrounded by an army wanting to harm y'all, just in that location will exist times when you are afraid. It'due south human. The Bible says more than than 300 times to not exist agape. God knows you need that reminder. Yet just like David, when you are afraid, you tin go to God. You tin acknowledge your fearfulness to Him. Trust that He will treat yous. He does non let His people downwards.

17. You Can Trust God for Forgiveness

Many are the woes of the wicked, but the LORD's unfailing love surrounds the ane who trusts in Him. (Psalm 32:10, NIV)

The beginning of this psalm paints a picture of those who love God confessing their sin to Him. David was no stranger to sin and mistakes. David took another man'southward wife as his own. And so he had the woman's married man killed in battle. In this psalm, He remembers what information technology was like to come up to God for forgiveness and be restored. David remembered the unfailing love of God — fifty-fifty when he messed up.

You can trust in God because He does not treat yous as your sins deserve. Instead, he offers forgiveness and eternal life through Christ Jesus.

18. Trust God, Non People

It is better to accept refuge in the LORD than to trust in humans. (Psalm 118:viii, NIV)

God's people, Israel, tried to protect themselves through relationships with other nations instead of trusting in God. They fabricated alliances with other, bigger nations whom they thought would defend them, even though God had promised His protection. Israel learned it is e'er better to trust God than to look to anything else. All others are less powerful, less consequent and less loving than God.

Information technology is better to run to Him for protection and guidance than to look to others, even those who seem powerful. Humans are not perfect. Anybody volition eventually permit yous downwardly. God never will.

19. Trust What Jesus Did for You lot

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And this is the testimony: God has given united states of america eternal life, and this life is in His Son. (ane John 5:11, NIV)

The conviction yous have is in what Jesus did on the cross. Your sin required death. It required a sacrifice. Instead of you dying, Christ took that on Himself. He paid for your sins. Your faith is in who Jesus is and what He's done, not in annihilation you have or will do.

Putting your faith in Jesus does not crave a list of good deeds to earn skilful continuing with God. Y'all could never achieve what information technology takes to be in God's presence. So a perfect, sinless Savior did what you could not. You can trust in this salvation because information technology is dependent on something Jesus has already accomplished.

20. Trust in God Brings Blessing

"Blessed is the i who trusts in the LORD, whose conviction is in Him. (Jeremiah 17:7, NIV)

The verses before this one draw what it is like for those who trust in people. The result is not prosperity just difficulty. Humans are prone to mistakes and failures, just similar you. A human is an unstable existence to put your trust in.

With God, you can have conviction in His trustworthiness. He has never let y'all down, even if it felt like it for a time. He has been faithful and consistent since earlier time began. He is worthy of confidence considering He has never fabricated a fault. He has never lost sight of His program for yous.

21. Await to the Promise of Heaven

The Lord will rescue me from every evil attack and will bring me safely to His heavenly kingdom. To Him be glory for ever and ever. Amen. (ii Timothy 4:eighteen, NIV)

Paul was the author of this verse. In this alphabetic character, this follower of Jesus was telling his immature apprentice about 1 of the numerous hardships that he was going through. But Paul knew no matter what torture, imprisonment or harassment he might face up, the Lord was on his side. The Lord would aid him face every circumstance.

Paul put his trust in God when the world permit him down. He knew that in difficulty he could look to the promise of heaven considering he trusted in Jesus. He did not have to get worried considering of the difficult things he went through. Neither exercise y'all. God cares about how y'all have been wronged. He will have care of you in those times. Do not allow them distract you. Keep your eyes on Him.

What to Practise With Truth

Life is total of the unexpected, proficient and bad. God is trustworthy in all situations. His Give-and-take is a way for Him to communicate all He desires for you lot to navigate life. Explore His promises through His Word.

These verses are a neat place to start. But the truth of God's Word becomes much richer when you report it in context. Accept these verses and go dorsum to the Bible. Read the chapters they are found in for deeper insight. Read this article for tips on studying the Bible.

Learn more than about trusting God in difficult situations.


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